Kra'al Vos Na'rath!
The story of Thalasyn, where two civilizations, after millennia of war, finally find peace through a common goal: the conquest of space in order to reach the planet Thios and meet its inhabitants. Within the piece, in the parts that narrate the wars and the pacification, there are dialogues in an alien language.
Ingrid HansenTools
Suno, ChatGPTLyrics
Millennia of blood, planet divided Two races, a destiny long decided Endless wars, deep wounds bleeding But in darkness, hope is leading
Kra’al vos na’rath! Eternal war! Mek’tal por’sun! Destruction!
Space as destiny, star that redeems Thios calls, unites, beyond old schemes Shields abandoned, borders erased Together to unknown paths we’re raised
Thalasyn rises, beyond hate’s domain A planet flying, breaking pain’s chain Towards Thios, towards the unknown A journey of peace, a new seed sown
Zal’kar met’hun! Supreme unity! Vor’na sim’tal! Cosmic peace!
From war’s ashes, we construct Spaceships rising, old conflicts defunct A common dream, a horizon bright Where conflict dies, hope takes flight
Thalasyn… beyond time Thios… our new paradigm