The Song of Giving Joe
Giving Joe is a friend of Hollow Jack, but he has an attitude toward life that is exactly the opposite, and thus lives a full and happy life.
Ewan TrelawneyTools
Suno, ChatGPTLyrics
Giving Joe and Hollow Jack, One took more, one gave it back. Jack built walls, Joe built a hand, Said, “What we share is what will stand.”
Built a porch, left the gate wide, Welcomed strangers, let them inside. Said, “What’s the use of walls so tall, If no one’s there to share them at all?”
Give what you can, love runs deep, Sow good seeds and gifts you’ll reap. Think you lose, think you fall, But kindness lifts and gives you all.
A traveler knocked, tired and worn, Joe gave his coat, kept him warm. Years went by, then times turned gray, That same man helped Joe one day.
Give what you can, love runs deep, Sow good seeds and gifts you’ll reap. Think you lose, think you fall, But kindness lifts and gives you all.
Gave his word and made it last, Kept his heart free from the past. Took the long road, step by step, Now all he’s given, he collects.
Giving Joe, silver-haired, Never lonely, never scared. Said, “What I gave came back in twos, A life well-lived has naught to lose.”
So take a breath, lend a hand, What you give will always stand. Call it fate, call it time, Every step leaves love behind.